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  • Por que Netskope divisa

    Mudando a forma como a rede e a segurança trabalham juntas.

  • Nossos clientes divisa

    A Netskope atende a mais de 3.400 clientes em todo o mundo, incluindo mais de 30 das empresas da Fortune 100

  • Nossos parceiros divisa

    Fazemos parceria com líderes de segurança para ajudá-lo a proteger sua jornada para a nuvem.

Líder em SSE. Agora é líder em SASE de fornecedor único.

Descubra por que a Netskope estreou como líder no Quadrante Mágico™ do Gartner® para Single-Vendor SASE

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Leia como os clientes inovadores estão navegando com sucesso no cenário atual de mudanças na rede & segurança por meio da plataforma Netskope One.

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Do Ponto de Vista do Cliente
A estratégia de comercialização da Netskope, focada em Parcerias, permite que nossos Parceiros maximizem seu crescimento e lucratividade enquanto transformam a segurança corporativa.

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Grupo de diversos jovens profissionais sorrindo
Sua Rede do Amanhã

Planeje seu caminho rumo a uma rede mais rápida, segura e resiliente projetada para os aplicativos e usuários aos quais você oferece suporte.

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Sua Rede do Amanhã
Netskope Cloud Exchange

O Cloud Exchange (CE) da Netskope oferece aos clientes ferramentas de integração poderosas para tirar proveito dos investimentos em estratégias de segurança.

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Vista aérea de uma cidade
  • Security Service Edge divisa

    Proteger-se contra ameaças avançadas e com nuvens e salvaguardar os dados em todos os vetores.

  • SD-WAN divisa

    Confidentemente, proporcionar acesso seguro e de alto desempenho a cada usuário remoto, dispositivo, site, e nuvem.

  • Secure Access Service Edge divisa

    O Netskope One SASE oferece uma solução SASE nativa da nuvem, totalmente convergente e de fornecedor único.

A plataforma do futuro é a Netskope

O Security Service Edge (SSE), o Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), o Cloud Firewall, o Next Generation Secure Web Gateway (SWG) e o Private Access for ZTNA foram integrados nativamente em uma única solução para ajudar todas as empresas em sua jornada para a arquitetura Secure Access Service Edge (SASE).

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Vídeo da Netskope
Next Gen SASE Branch é híbrida — conectada, segura e automatizada

Netskope Next Gen SASE Branch converge o Context-Aware SASE Fabric, Zero-Trust Hybrid Security e SkopeAI-Powered Cloud Orchestrator em uma oferta de nuvem unificada, inaugurando uma experiência de filial totalmente modernizada para empresas sem fronteiras.

Saiba mais sobre Next Gen SASE Branch
Pessoas no escritório de espaço aberto
SASE Architecture For Dummies (Arquitetura SASE para leigos)

Obtenha sua cópia gratuita do único guia de planejamento SASE que você realmente precisará.

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Livro eletrônico SASE Architecture For Dummies (Arquitetura SASE para leigos)
Mude para serviços de segurança na nuvem líderes de mercado com latência mínima e alta confiabilidade.

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Rodovia iluminada através de ziguezagues na encosta da montanha
Permita com segurança o uso de aplicativos generativos de IA com controle de acesso a aplicativos, treinamento de usuários em tempo real e a melhor proteção de dados da categoria.

Saiba como protegemos o uso de IA generativa
Ative com segurança o ChatGPT e a IA generativa
Soluções de zero trust para a implementação de SSE e SASE

Conheça o Zero Trust
Passeio de barco em mar aberto
Netskope obtém alta autorização do FedRAMP

Escolha o Netskope GovCloud para acelerar a transformação de sua agência.

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Netskope GovCloud
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Um manual de segurança física Cyber &, com Ben Morris do World Rugby
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Leia como a Netskope pode viabilizar a jornada Zero Trust e SASE por meio de recursos de borda de serviço de acesso seguro (SASE).

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Nascer do sol e céu nublado
SASE Week 2024 On-Demand

Aprenda a navegar pelos últimos avanços em SASE e confiança zero e explore como essas estruturas estão se adaptando para enfrentar os desafios de segurança cibernética e infraestrutura

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SASE Week 2024
O que é SASE?

Saiba mais sobre a futura convergência de ferramentas de redes e segurança no modelo predominante e atual de negócios na nuvem.

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  • Empresa divisa

    Ajudamos você a antecipar os desafios da nuvem, dos dados e da segurança da rede.

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    Junte-se aos mais de 3.000 membros incríveis da equipe da Netskope que estão criando a plataforma de segurança nativa da nuvem líder do setor.

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    Estamos aqui junto com você a cada passo da sua trajetória, assegurando seu sucesso com a Netskope.

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    Os treinamentos da Netskope vão ajudar você a ser um especialista em segurança na nuvem.

Apoiando a sustentabilidade por meio da segurança de dados

A Netskope tem o orgulho de participar da Visão 2045: uma iniciativa destinada a aumentar a conscientização sobre o papel da indústria privada na sustentabilidade.

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Apoiando a sustentabilidade por meio da segurança de dados
Ajude a moldar o futuro da segurança na nuvem

Na Netskope, os fundadores e líderes trabalham lado a lado com seus colegas, até mesmo os especialistas mais renomados deixam seus egos na porta, e as melhores ideias vencem.

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Netskope Professional Services
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Grupo de jovens profissionais trabalhando

David Fairman: Why I Joined Netskope

Jul 09 2020

Over the course of my career, I’ve traveled the world and held some great roles with some wonderful companies. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet amazing people, both personally and professionally, and have been given some career-defining opportunities, for which I am truly grateful. The last 15 years have cemented me in the world of banking and finance, but now I find myself getting back to my roots in the technology industry. And as one would expect from any significant career move, I’ve had a lot of friends and former colleagues ask why I made the change and why I decided to join Netskope. 

Here’s why:

To be honest, I’ve always known that at some point I would change industries. Some of the best security executives I’ve met are those who have had a diverse range of experiences across multiple sectors. I’m of the mind that breadth gives you different perspectives and this diversity of perspective is important to me as a cybersecurity professional.

Of course, the timing around these career moves is always a bit of an unknown, but in recent years I’ve found myself more involved, and interested, in the investor services and venture capital teams within the banking world. This shift in my interests allowed me to get close to the tech community, especially in the Bay Area and Israel, where I was able to meet some incredible companies with great founders and help them build solutions that really made a difference. The benefit of this exposure is that it allowed me to be an early adopter of many solutions that are now well known in the cybersecurity and fraud technology arena. Even more so, the privilege of being an early adopter allowed me to not only be part of the journey for many technology companies as they evolved their solutions, but also influence their growth as they helped me with my company’s needs.

As I contemplated what was next for me (short of living on a beach in the Caribbean somewhere doing lots of diving!), a move into the technology sector was very appealing. That’s when I reconnected with Sanjay Beri, the CEO and founder of Netskope. Sanjay and I had met many years earlier in my time as the Royal Bank of Canada’s CISO, and I’d always liked his vision with respect to data protection and cloud security. I mentioned to Sanjay that I was contemplating a move out of banking and welcomed his thoughts. We started to broadly explore what that move might look like and that turned into what it might look like if I were to join Netskope. 

From there, I connected with Jason Clark, Chief Strategy Officer at Netskope, who I have known for over 10 years, and have become good friends with. We’re both passionate about giving back to the cybersecurity community, which had led us both to become founding members of the Security Advisory Alliance many years ago.

As I’ve come to realize, and many will agree, company culture and people are the most important cornerstones of a company. From my previous experience with their team, Netskope passed that test with flying colors. Beyond that, what really convinced me to join rested on the strength of Netskope’s vision and how well the company was executing.

I’d seen Netskope advance from the early days and could see that they were focused on solving some big challenges facing the security industry. Enterprise technology had been changing for years due to the macro trends of mobile and cloud computing, and while Netskope laid out a vision that aligned with what we now think of as SASE (Secure Access Service Edge). This kind of holistic platform approach wasn’t something I was really seeing elsewhere across the industry.

All things considered, my decision to join Netskope was an easy one. In my role, I’m delighted that I get to continue to drive innovation, whether that be with Netskope or in how our customers address their challenges. It also gives me an opportunity to engage with partners to tackle larger problems that are better solved as an ecosystem. Ultimately, I also see an opportunity through Netskope to help build solutions and services that will make the digital economy a safer place to do business and perform transactions. And finally, it’s refreshing that I get to do all of that while having some fun with some really great people!

The next step for me at Netskope is to get out and talk with my peers in the industry. If we’ve not been in touch, let’s talk! You can reach me via normal channels like email or LinkedIn. I’d love to chat about what you’re going through, share how this next chapter is unfolding for me, and how you’re looking at your next chapter as well. 

author image
David Fairman
David Fairman is an experienced CSO/CISO, strategic advisory, investor and coach. He has extensive experience in the global financial services sector.
David Fairman is an experienced CSO/CISO, strategic advisory, investor and coach. He has extensive experience in the global financial services sector.

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